View the Lifecycle Program Webinar On-Demand, recorded 12th May 2022

Steve Robinson
Lenovo NZ
National Mid-Market BDM
+64 (0)21 223 3345

As part of the Lifecycle program, Lenovo has teamed up with one of New Zealand’s leading workplace wellbeing providers – Healthbox, to offer your organisation a FREE Ergonomics Explained webinar and a Working Well digital ergonomics audit.

What’s included in your Healthbox Working Well Audit

1. Ergonomics Explained Webinar

This 60-minute seminar is designed to help your team to understand vital information about correct workstation set up. Presented by one of Healthbox’s Clinical Exercise Physiologists, who are experts in how the body functions, the seminar includes a live demonstration on how to correctly position workstation equipment, specific recommendations, and common pitfalls to avoid with standing desks. Plus, they will provide recommendations for rest and stretch breaks throughout the day to minimise injuries, including examples of desk-based stretches and movements.

2. Digital Ergonomics Audit

This is a short questionnaire that asks your teams about their working habits and workstation comfort levels, providing your organisation with insights into how your teams’ working environments are affecting their ability to work productively and efficiently.

Plus – Be in to Win

Complete the Lenovo Lifecycle program for your chance to enter the
draw to win a Customised Wellbeing Program valued at $3900.*

Executive Medical
for one team

Two personalised
60-minute company

Customised Wellbeing Program

Provides executive team members with a thorough assessment of their current health status and provides information, guidelines and advice on how to improve their lifestyle. A wealth of research shows that the health of an executive significantly affects their resilience and ability to meet current and future work demands. The executive medical will take approximately 2 hours to complete and includes:

  • Personal lifestyle and medical questionnaire
  • Comprehensive medical examination
  • Biometric measurements
  • Pathology
  • Exercise ECG
  • Cardiovascular risk profile
  • Musculoskeletal assessment
  • Comprehensive reporting
  • Personalised health motivations and recommendations
  • Specialist referral if necessary

*The topics of the personalised seminars are guided by consultation with Healthbox

View full Terms & Conditions here.